HEETS PURPLE cigarettes with a green indicator

HEETS PURPLE is a tobacco blend with menthol and wild berries aroma.
Before use, the holder must be charged in the device, then insert the stick with the tobacco side into the holder and hold down the button with the green indicator until the LED flickers. You can start inhaling the aerosol as soon as the light stops flashing after a few seconds. One charge will last for 14 puffs or 5-6 minutes, after which the holder will have to be put back in the charger and wait about 5 minutes before using it again.

You can do 20 such cycles – according to the number of sticks in one pack, then the charger will need to be connected to the network for about an hour. It’s a little more confusing than traditional smoking, but carries some practical benefits beyond the aforementioned reduced health risks. For example, one HEETS PURPLE USA stick emits much less odor into the air, hands and hair – it causes less discomfort to others and looks stylish in any environment.
All these nuances and many others are voiced by trained consultants who show how to use the device.

Using IQOS feels much more like a traditional smoking process than, for example, an electronic cigarette. It is also an electronic device so it is fireproof and does not emit tar.
At first, the feeling of using IQOS HEETS PURPLE cigarettes seemed unusual to us, apparently because it lacks the taste of burnt paper so familiar to many. But after a week we got used to the taste of tobacco without additives, and then we already began to distinguish the taste of harmful substances in ordinary cigarettes. A very unpleasant feeling.

The second advantage for us was its stylish plastic case. You don’t want to take a pack of cigarettes with very unaesthetic images out of your bag once again, while HEETS PURPLE IQOS sticks look appropriate even in photos on Instagram. It is lightweight, fits comfortably even in my miniature hand, fits in a jeans pocket and does not bother the eyes of non-smoking friends with whom we share tables in coffee shops.
Another plus that is important for us is the absence of a combustion process. IQOS cannot set fire or burn anything, because it does not burn. For the same reason, it does not leave behind corrosive ash, and therefore debris and dust.